Saturday, June 4, 2016

my last poject

Assalamualaikum and hye. today i would like to share with you guys about my adopted  microbe which it is given name as Enterococcus faecalis which is as my last project for my microbe class

along the way to get know about my microbe characteristics, I just know that this microbe is very harmful to human and can cause death. from the name itself, we can know its shape is round shape. they are also part of the normal intestinal flora of humans and animals. they also have been long recognized as important human pathogens and are becoming increasingly so. they also can cause clinical infections in human. This bacteria have both an intrinsic and acquired resistance to antibiotics, making them important nosocomial pathogens. They are also resistance to penicillin beta-lactamases, chloamphenicol and others.

to get know about this microbe, do visit my powtoon scrapbook which I include some of the characteristic in it. here's my link. 
i've done my best to do my scrapbook using this app. there are so many types of apps that we can use to make our scrapbook. but I found that this app is quite interesting and i hope you enjoy watch my scrapbook and get the information about this microbe more.

after that, on Friday before our class session for this semester ends, we have our 3 Minute Thesis presentation that is handle in DKU of my faculty. the presentation is not that good for me because i get too nervous because the hall is big and I got too many butterfllies in my stomach. but overall I manage to deliver what I want to say in this 3MT presentation. I wish I could given more opportunity to do my 3MT presentation again. because this is the best and good preparation and practice for me to improve my speaking and my delivery skill to people about my findings.
My 3MT slide

last but not least, I wish all the best to ALL of my classmate, CELL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY students for our final exam that is just around the coner. my wishes all the best to you and answer the exam especially this microbiology course.

principles of ecology

in this chapter, i learnt about the habitat and all the population of each species. each microorganism are all depends on each others and most microbes also depend on themselves. in this chapter, we also learnt about the interaction among the microorganisms. there are two types of interactions which are positive and negative interaction.

the positive interaction are mutualism, cooperation and commensalism. while the negative interaction are predation, parasitism, amensalism and competition.

this kind of interaction is important for the ecosystem balance and the food chain can be regulate in a balance way.
our ecology system need to be preserved so that it can be balanced and many habitat can be saved for these animals to live